Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Small World At Walmart

I went to walmart today. Shocker I know. But while looking in the kitchen section for a christmas present for my mom I seen a guy just a bit older then me grabbing all the utensils I list to buy in my cookbook and the living guide. My first thought was no way. Then I peeked at his cart that was full of paper towels, trash bags, laundry soap, dish sponges, kitchen towels, dish drainer, trash can, ect. I thought it cant be. The world is not this small. Why did i asume my writing was involved? Because in all my life I have never seen someone buying like that. I went with my brother when he did but that was my doing so it doesnt count.

So I put it out of my mind and finished my shopping. I swear people think the world ends tomorrow because everyone had full carts. However at the end was a check out lane with only one full cart so i got in line. Then i realized it was the guy from before. I got to get a good look at his stuff now and realized hewas buying all top name brand items and the expensivesizes of them.

Obviously i hadn't let myself believe it was because of my book but since i had it free yesterday it seemed more likely. Then i felt a bit bad. His total was just under $400 forthe same things my brother bought for just under $200. The only difference was brand names and product sizes.

So whats the lesson here? There isnt one. I just thought it was interesting so i wanted to tell you guys about it. Just think of the odds. A stranger living in my town, who read my book, shopping at the exact time i was. Too unlikely.

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