Sunday, December 9, 2012

Home Made Ravioli

I've been thinking about trying it for a long while, and I don't know why I didn't until now.

I divided the dough into three then rolled them out and cut them in 4 each. Heres the cut pieces on the plate.

I scooped the filling onto the dough then brushed around the edges with water to make them stick together.

I folded it in half, pressed around the edges, then trimmed it with a knife to get rid of the extra dough.

I set the folded but uncooked ravioli in a strainer to keep the dough from sticking. I find that glass bowls attract stickiness.

I cooked them in a pan 1/2 full with boiling salted water. I should have taken a picture but I forgot. This is the cooked ravioli.

And here's the finished meal. I just topped it with pasta sauce and parmesan cheese.

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