Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cooking VS Takeout

Lately my time hasn't been my own. My sister needed a babysitter while she and her husband cleaned out the storage room so it could be converted into a kitchen. My brother is looking for a place in town (he lives 75 miles away) so I've been helping him. Things like that that end up taking the prime out of my day and sometimes run me so late that I don't have time to cook. So what do we do? Obviously stop at a fast food or take out restaurant and grab something to bring home. It's a nice treat now and again but for someone like me who loves to cook it kind of hurts a little.

My husband and I try not to eat the same place twice if we have to do takeout. So we alternate between cheaper restaurants. If I suspect I'll be home late I decide what I'll make if I have time, Usually quick like spaghetti, and what I'll pick up if I don't, like burger king or wendys. Sometimes Mcdonalds but we usually save that for out and about meals so we can just grab a $1 Mcdouble and be happy and not feel like we eat there all the time.

Sure we all try to be frugal and most of us don't have the money otherwise. But I really feel that if time just isn't going to let you it's okay to eat out or get take out once in a while. It's when you start deciding "I don't feel like cooking tonight, lets go out" that it becomes a problem.

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