Sunday, March 17, 2013

Buying Temptations

Maybe I'm alone here but every time I go to Walmart I walk down the kitchen isles 'just to see'. All the utensils, pans, knives, cool gizmos, bowls, bakeware, ect.

Obviously there's things I would like to have like a new pan set, but honestly my pan set works fine and I have all the sizes I need. But every time I'm there I get all shiny eyed over this or that pan set, then I talk myself out of it. If I'm going to be spending, say, $50 on something I just don't know if I want to spend it on something I don't NEED.

It's hard for me to get myself to actually buy anything. I always over think and never commit because I just feel like there's a better deal somewhere or something else I should be spending that money on. Even when we have the money, like when we get our tax refund, I just can't do it unless I've researched and thought about it for months.

But that doesn't stop me from looking every time and feeling that heart pounding 'have to have it' sensation.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's awesome that you're able to resist buying. Most people give in. I'm proud of you!

    Your Grandma loved kitchen gadgets and gizmos! She had to try anything new that came out. She would have adored you like a soul mate! Maybe you could have rubbed off some of that 'buying resistance' on her! lol

    Keep up the good work. I love your blog.
