Friday, March 22, 2013

My OOPS Southern/Asian Dish

I love Asian food. I would eat Asian food every meal of every day of the rest of my life. (American Asian like you get at Panda Express and Hu Hot)

So I've been trying to make more Asian dishes at home. I'm pretty good at chicken dishes but I've never tried beef. So I got some beef, cut it into strips and continued to make it just how I would have chicken. Cut meat, cut vegetables, brown meat, saute vegetables, add seasoning and stock, mix vinegar and cornstarch and add to thicken, serve over rice or noodles. Only I guess you don't use beef stock in Asian dishes because it's just too beefy. It ended up just tasting like beef gravy. Sure it would have been great over mashed potatoes but it was supposed to be Asian. I don't know where all the Asian seasonings I added went, but it was good. Disappointing, but good.

New Way I Cook Frozen Chicken

I actually got this from my sister while I was at her house babysitting so she could clean out the storage room. When you walk into her house theres an entrywway where you can go 3 ways. Left to bedrooms, straight to a sitting room, and right to the livingroom/kitchen. Then if you walk straight through that room theres a doorway into a trailer that the previous owners attached to the house. They had been using it for storage (because it wasn't sealed against the cold very well) but they decided to take off the trailer and build an add on for a whole kitchen.

So anyway, she came out of the storage room to start dinner and this is what she did.

She lined a pie dish with foil, poured a tab of oil in the bottom and placed frozen chicken in it. Then she started sprinkling on seasonings and dried chopped onion. Then she placed a few tablespoons of butter on top of the chicken and covered it with foil. Her stove, oddly enough, had been in the storage room and was now not hooked up. So she placed it on top of the woodstove.

When I came home from babysitting I decided I had to try it. So I did the same thing, only I put mine in the oven.

Here it is before I covered it with foil and put it in the oven.

I cooked it at 375 for about an hour then I temped it and it was at 190(ish). So I took some forks and started to poke at it to see if it was shred-able, and it just fell apart. It was so juicy and tender and amazing.

So I have been doing that everytime I need chicken for a casserole, but yesterday I decided to try something new since I just got a stainless steel oven proof pan at walmart. (Yes I caved, but I had been wanting one for a long time and I did do a lot of searching on Amazon to find the best price vs value. And turns out Walmart had it.)

So I basically did the same thing, except I was planning on using it to make Mac n Cheese so I melted half the butter on the bottom then added the chicken, then seasoned. And topped each with a tablespoon of butter. (obviously you can see here I used two small instead of 1 large this time)

I placed the lid on it and stuck it in the oven at 375 for an hour. When I temped they were 190(ish). I happily shred them, put the pan on the stove top, and continued as usual to make mac n cheese. Then at the end I stuck it back in the oven rather then having to transfer to a baking dish. I was so happy. (less dishes)

So as you can tell, it worked great on a woodstove, in a pie pan covered in foil, and in an oven proof pan. Which suits every lifestyle (within reason).

If you're just looking for seasoned chicken breasts (not breaded) this would also work well for eating them whole if thats what you're going for.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Buying Temptations

Maybe I'm alone here but every time I go to Walmart I walk down the kitchen isles 'just to see'. All the utensils, pans, knives, cool gizmos, bowls, bakeware, ect.

Obviously there's things I would like to have like a new pan set, but honestly my pan set works fine and I have all the sizes I need. But every time I'm there I get all shiny eyed over this or that pan set, then I talk myself out of it. If I'm going to be spending, say, $50 on something I just don't know if I want to spend it on something I don't NEED.

It's hard for me to get myself to actually buy anything. I always over think and never commit because I just feel like there's a better deal somewhere or something else I should be spending that money on. Even when we have the money, like when we get our tax refund, I just can't do it unless I've researched and thought about it for months.

But that doesn't stop me from looking every time and feeling that heart pounding 'have to have it' sensation.

Friday, March 15, 2013

How To Make Hamburgers (Video)

This video was inspired by my brother who called me a month or so ago asking about hamburgers. What pan to use, how to season, when to flip, how long to cook on other side. So I thought I would make a video of it all so maybe I can help anyone who doesn't know.

NOTE: The beef I'm using is angus beef which is a bit more expensive, which isn't frugal, but it was an occasion so we splurged. If you think about it though we already had the cheese so I only bought buns in addition for a grand total of about 6 dollars for 4 burgers worth.

As always if you don't like the music, mute it. I just don't like to post silent videos so I select a song provided by youtube.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cooking VS Takeout

Lately my time hasn't been my own. My sister needed a babysitter while she and her husband cleaned out the storage room so it could be converted into a kitchen. My brother is looking for a place in town (he lives 75 miles away) so I've been helping him. Things like that that end up taking the prime out of my day and sometimes run me so late that I don't have time to cook. So what do we do? Obviously stop at a fast food or take out restaurant and grab something to bring home. It's a nice treat now and again but for someone like me who loves to cook it kind of hurts a little.

My husband and I try not to eat the same place twice if we have to do takeout. So we alternate between cheaper restaurants. If I suspect I'll be home late I decide what I'll make if I have time, Usually quick like spaghetti, and what I'll pick up if I don't, like burger king or wendys. Sometimes Mcdonalds but we usually save that for out and about meals so we can just grab a $1 Mcdouble and be happy and not feel like we eat there all the time.

Sure we all try to be frugal and most of us don't have the money otherwise. But I really feel that if time just isn't going to let you it's okay to eat out or get take out once in a while. It's when you start deciding "I don't feel like cooking tonight, lets go out" that it becomes a problem.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

How To Make Corn Muffins (Video)

Heres the promised video from my last post.

This recipe hasn't made it in one of my cookbooks yet but it's so easy and simple to make.

For full recipe (6 large or 12 medium/small)

1 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

Whisk until no lumps then add:
1 egg
1/4-1/2 cup oil
1 cup milk

Whisk till smooth then pour evenly into muffin tin cups. Bake in preheated 400 degree oven for 20 minutes, check with toothpick, and cook longer if needed.

Note: I use youtube music through the video editor, which does take some time to update into the video. Also if you don't like it just mute the video. I only add it because I don't want a silent video.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How I Make Chili (video)

I finally got myself a tripod and decided to film the dinner I was making the night I got it. I edited it, added captions explaining what I'm doing, uploaded it to youtube, and added some youtube provided music because I didn't want it to be a silent movie. But if you don't like the music just mute it.

Note: the music might not be there yet. It usually takes a while for youtube to add it. If it's not there just sing a song and pretend it's in the video. :)

If you do like the video (or the idea of making videos for cooking) please let me know. It's no trouble at all to set up the camera and just film it. I also have footage of the corn muffins I made to go with these that I plan to edit soon.