Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving! and Holiday Cookbook.

So this year for thanksgiving we're having it at my brothers house that he and his wife just bought. however they don't actually cook (unless you call frozen pizza cooking) to much so my mom and I will be doing the cooking. Which is fine cause I love cooking.

So I was at walmart yesterday (shocker) and I went ahead and bought myself a turkey pan. Two years ago when I hosted Thanksgiving I borrowed my moms pan and for Christmases and Easters I've borrowed the pan, so I decided it was time. It was almost $10 for a really large (bigger than a 13X9) about 3-4 inches deep and comes with a rack you set in there to set the turkey on and when it's done you lift it out and you have all the wonderful drippings to make the gravy with. My question? Where do you set the turkey while you pour the drippings into the skillet? Oh well, details.

I also bought the turkey yesterday. It's a 16.? (don't remember the full number but almost 17lb) from Jamie-O. My brand preference goes as far as "this one is $0.88lb and that one is $1.06lb, we're getting the first one" Of course when I took a picture of it for my book cover I had to use the black tape over the name because I don't want to get in trouble. Also I didn't pick it because of the name, I picked it because of the price.

And speaking of price... Holy Cow! Two years ago when I bought one it was 14lb and about $7.50 total. I understand why it's gone up but still it's just wow.

Finally on to my holiday cookbook: I woke up yesterday morning around 7am and realized I was going write that and never got around to it. So I had to get it all ready, call my mom and ask her to quickly edit it, email it to her and wait. She of course was fast at it (not just because it's pretty dang short). When I got it back in my inbox I had to put in the finishing touches and post it online. Then I realized I didn't have a cover photo or a turkey to take a picture of. So I went to walmart with my husband when he got off and we got our turkey and pan, and a few other things for thanksgiving. When we got home I was still figuring out my picture and I finally hit on a good idea. So I went out to the shed (in the dark with a flashlight regardless of my fear of zombies) and dug around untill I found our christmas tree decorations. Essentially I was picturing the classic picture of the turkey fresh out of the oven with all the vegetables and stuffing around it, only I used the tree decorations.

The book cover photo for my holiday cookbook pamphlet.

Okay so I might of had a little bit of fun making it and playing with the font which I downloaded after googling 'free christmas font'. I also got those little tree, snow man, holly, candy cane, and stocking outlines from the site. Basically their just another font. The tree is the letter S in that font and the stockings are the letter M and so on.

Anyway, so I got it all uploaded and ready to buy. I used the recipes I've been using for a few years now and I love. It is short with only 11 recipes but to me, the holiday's are a special time and the food is the most important part of it. (other then having family around I mean)

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! I'll post pictures of the food afterwards.

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