Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rambling About Pizza

As the name of this post suggests this is about just pizza. Why pizza? Because it's so easy to make and the options are endless.

So a little trivia first. The first dinner item I ever made (all on my own) after my mom and I switched chores (I used to wash the dishes, and she would cook. We both hated our jobs so we switched) was pizza. I used her pizza dough recipe and I messed with it a bit here and there (and I still do) to make it my own. Later I started making calzones and other pizza products.

My taco pizza was a real hit with my family. I got the idea from a cookbook for kids that had a recipe with tortillas being used as pizza crust for personal kids pizzas and one of the recipe ideas was taco inspired. Of course it was a name brand cookbook so it wanted the person to use brand name ingredients and meat/taco seasoning instead of what I use.

My mom had a pizza once with a friend at MacKenzie River Pizza (a chain restaurant in montana, maybe elsewhere. I've never been there but there's one pretty close to our house). The pizza was Asian style with all those strange Asian sauce and vegetables. My mom says it was really good.

And then there's my all time favorite which is chicken alfredo (with bacon when we can). It's so simple and easy to make if you keep jars of alfredo on hand like I do.

So the point of this post is to remind everyone that pizza isn't just tomato sauce and pepperoni. It can be anything you want it to be. In the examples given it went from Italian to mexican, to asian, and back to Italian. the possibilities are endless with a pizza crust.

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