Monday, September 17, 2012


I haven't written in a while so I figured I'd just do a general update.

My husband has another tooth that he bit something hard and chipped a few days before his other tooth was polled. So we've been dealing with his healing wound and the chip. Now that the gum is healed enough to eat on it's easier but it's been hard for me to make food thats soft enough to not hurt either side. Which kind of threw off my 30 day challenge, but It's been going well otherwise.

This last weekend we took a trip over to Idaho and spent Saturday at Silverwood (a six flags theme park). It was pretty cheap because they're having a food drive for the local food bank. So the tickets themselves were only $25.99 compared to the almost $40 for the usual prices. It was myself, husband, and son. My parents, two brothers and one wife. My other brother is single right now otherwise he'd bring a plus 1.
It was really fun. A nice break from reality.

My sister had her baby last week too. She went to the hospital on Friday when we were visiting my parents and gave birth Sunday Sept. 9th. Her blood pressure was so high they induced her but she was still a bit early so things just took a while to really get started, then there were other complications with the birth. But they're both just fine. He weighed 6lb 10oz, nice head of brown hair. Very alert for a newborn.

We also had two brothers and one wife over a few days ago. My single brother took us all out to Pizza Hut, then we spent until 1 AM playing Apples to Apples.

So as you can tell we've had a busy couple weeks. I had time to blog but it was usually in the late evening while in bed, and I don't like uploading mobile.

Now that things have calmed down for a bit I'll start posting about food again.

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