Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I made lasagna a couple days ago. It was amazing. Nothing beats homemade lasagna.

Heres my dough balls. I only made enough for 2 13X9 sheets of dough.

And here it is rolled out. Once it was in the pan I stretched the corners a bit to make it more square.

I've got my sauce boiling and I'm about to add the meat. I did it together unlike my recipe because it saved time. To get just sauce for the bottom I just skimmed the top. And yes you can brown meat in sauce. Just mash it with the whisk and it will break up beautifully.

And here is the cheese mixture. I used ricotta in it because they had it on sale at Kroger. 

And going into the oven. I didn't get a picture of the finished product but you can use your imagination.

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