Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Update Notes 06/11/2013

I decided to start posting update notes so people will know exactly what I fixed or changed in which cookbook.

I updated The Poverty Cookbook For Beginners today because of a comment a review left. It wasn't a nasty one like quite a few of you feel the need to leave. It was constructive. The review told me that they had tried a recipe and found it confusing. The recipe in question was my rice pudding recipe that, like all other rice recipes, simply said to 'cook rice and set aside'. The reviewer was confused because I had the ingredients for the rice in the same list as the other ingredients but with no explanation as to what to do with them.

I guess I just assumed that most people would read my methods section and thus would know what I meant there. So to fix it I went through and separated the rice ingredients from the regular ingredients and expanded the directions to include a very short explanation of what to do with the rice; "Mix together rice, oil, and salt then add water. Cover and bring to boil then reduce heat and let sit until cooked."

I feel bad for the reviewer that I didn't have everything written clearly. So if you're reading this; I'm sorry.

Also, I will be going through the other cookbooks and fixing this error.

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