Friday, November 23, 2012

My Thanksgiving

Well, the biggest food holiday of the year is over. Now it's time to hash out the details.

On thanksgiving I realized that although I had given my turkey plenty time to thaw in the fridge it hadn't. So In the early morning I put it in a sink of dripping water and hoped it would do it's job. During that time I made the cranberry sauce and got myself ready. I packaged up everything I thought I would need: butter, seasonings, flour for the gravy. We left around 11 something and had to make a stop at walmart to get a few things I had been waiting to get. After that we made the 75 mile drive to my brothers house.

Just after we got there I realized I'd forgot the sweet potatoes and my brother and husband left to the store to get some. I prepped the still just barely frozen inside turkey and ran some luke warm water through it to hopefully at least melt any ice left inside. Getting the stuff out was frustrating. Since it was still slightly frozen the guts bag was frozen in just enough that when I pulled it ripped and I had to dig out the gross stuff. I was like "don't know what this red thing is. Not gonna think about this gray thing..."

After that ordeal I dressed it my usual way and put it in the oven.

A couple hours later my sister in law and I started the potatoes. It was still early but the men were drinking and playing video games so we wanted to do something. She washed and I peeled a few to give me a head start on cutting, then I started cutting and she peeled the rest. Then we filled the pans with water and let them sit. Potatoes won't oxidize (turn pink/orange/brown) if you cover them with water. Just don't leave them that too long because they will rot extremely fast.

Just after that my sister, her husband, and her 2 month old arrived.

My parents drove down to my town (70 miles from their house) to get my other brother who wasn't going to be getting off work until 3pm. My mom had the stuffing with here as well as the pie and dinner rolls.

My mom called me about 15 minutes from getting to the 'party' so I could start the water for the stuffing and give me a time table for throwing the sweet potato casserole in the oven. And when my mom got there I did the stuffing. I also started the gravy at that point since the turkey was done. (I tested the temperature since it was still somewhat frozen when I put it in the oven.

Shortly after that we ate. We all gathered in the living room wherever we found a spot to sit (aka mostly on the floor. But none of us minded, thats usually how we spend thanksgiving). In total we had 9 adults, my two year old, and my sisters 2 month old.

Heres what was left of my turkey after my dad carved it.

The turkey plate after dinner.

As you can tell, I forgot to take any pictures of the food before dinner. But heres the potatoes.

Gravy after.

What was left of the stuffing.

And the sweet potatoes.

Notice anything missing? I was so distracted that I completely forgot to do anything with the green beans and I forgot to set out the cranberry sauce. We did remember to serve the rolls my mom made but I forgot to take a picture. After dinner when we were packing up to go home I looked in the fridge to get my left over butter and saw the fruit and vegetable sitting there. Sigh. Well there's always christmas. (and no I don't mean I'll keep that exact stuff and serve it christmas. I'll make new.)

Oh and if you wondered, yes the turkey was just slightly pink (not undercooked, just slightly pink in the middle. so we the plate after my dad finished carving it just to be sure.) also, my parents took home the turkey to make soup and casseroles from the left over meat (such as the legs).

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