Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pulled tooth, Junk Food, and Fried Rice Again

So My husband had his tooth pulled last thursday and it ended up being more than a simple extraction. The dentist couldn't get it out so he had to cut it in a few, more manageable, pieces. But then when he tried to get those out they shattered. He ended up cutting the gum and surgically extracting the pieces and sew up the hole. So my husband has been on some hefty pain meds and antibiotics this week. He also hasn't been able to eat anything solid until yesterday. For the week I was making him things like instant mashed potatoes and milk shakes. Nothing too healthy. And for myself I wasn't going to make a whole dinner just for myself, so I've been eating burritos and hotdogs and whatnot.

I did find the worlds biggest hotdogs. Well not really, but the biggest available at walmart.

Just for reference, I wear a size 7 wedding ring.

So, after almost a week of junk food my husband told me he felt up to some solid food so I went back into my cozy corner of experimenting with my fried rice recipe. And this time? I nailed it. One down, many to go. 

So heres my pans. Frying the rice and reducing the sauce.

And heres the final product. Tucked away to go with my husband to work for lunch.

So now that I've perfected my fried rice I probably won't mention it on here for a while. I'm doing a 30 days of new meals challenge that I will feature in my next cookbook. I was going to start it on the 1st of this month but with my husbands tooth it wasn't possible. 

Also on a side note, Fridays I go to see my parents and I don't usually cook, so I won't be including any friday meals.

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