Thursday, May 31, 2012

Homemade Hamburger Buns

Yesterday I made BBQ pulled chicken and homemade hamburger buns. I didn't quite give the dough enough time to rise since this meal was a last minute decision but they still came out good. Actually I'm kind of glad they didn't rise to be as big as some of them have been, and now we have the left over buns to use for sandwiches.

Heres the dough after kneading for about 6 minutes. You can't see it here but what you're looking for when kneading if elastic. If you warp it does it move after you let go? Try poking it with your finger and if it comes back up like memory foam it's ready for the rising.

I think it's safe to say I'm not good at making perfectly round hamburger buns... This picture is after I divided  the dough into 4 and then each in half to make 8 buns. Then I sprayed them with water and I'm ready to put them in the oven to rise for the second time.

I meant to take a picture yesterday when they first came out of the oven but I completely forgot. I was also going to take a picture with the BBQ chicken in it but again I forgot. So for this picture I took the remaining buns out of the bag I'm storing them in and I placed them back on the pan.